I’m Iris 艾莉絲 - A Blogger, Makeup Artist💄& Food Lover from Hong Kong
For the makeup service and brand cooperation, please email me 📧 dreammakeriris@gmail.com
Main Blog: http://www.dreammakeriris.com
Fanpiece: http://women.fanpiece.com/dreammakeriris
Yontent: http://www.yontent.com/creator/33
Instagram: dreammakeriris
Openrice : crazyii
我都有玩呀, d icon 真係好得意
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/24/2008 16:13:00]係呀,超搞笑~~~
回覆刪除kitty 真係得意
[版主回覆07/25/2008 11:03:00]yeah~~我由懂性開始已經鍾意~~~不過細個d kitty畀媽咪掉哂喇~~唯有自己開始搵錢自己係咁買囉,哈~~~
我昨天同HELLO KITTY傾計,佢比得兩個MSN ICON......係咪仲有其他ICON架?? -.-
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/25/2008 11:02:00]係呀,有19個架~~要講返哂Hello Kitty Messenger 0既代表句子,或者打「問我啦」答kitty 問0既問題,先會儲齊架~~
Can i use the YM?
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/26/2008 18:10:00]i dunno ar~~but i think those icons maybe cannoy show in ym
Is it need to pay the msn
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/29/2008 21:42:00]no need la~~~